So it’s a year since Will and Kate. I doubt you care. I certainly don’t. But such events have a way, regardless of your interest level, of making you think “A year? Really? Gee that went quick”. This anniversary was no different. When I found out the second most annoying milestone of the year was upon us (Titanic’s 100th took the cake: now in 3D…gee thanks), I found my brain flashing back to the last 12 months and wondering what happened to them.

Turning 26 was the start of something special. I quit my job, rented out my house, travelled through Europe, moved to Canada, met some amazing people, saw some amazing sights and did some amazing things. At my 26th birthday, while I sat on my living room floor eating a Moroccan feast with friends, running a half marathon was not on the cards. Yet nine months later I was crossing the finish line of the First Half Half-Marathon in Vancouver.

Coldplay up close. A great start to 27!


So what will 27 bring? One of my favourite bloggers, Seattle’s Travels, on approaching her 24th birthday, listed her Bucket List for the upcoming year: 25 before 25. In a similar fashion I’ve compiled a list of goals for the next 12 months. I won’t bore you with 27 goals (plus I doubt I could come up with that many) so I’ve kept it to nine.

9: Get Cadel Evans’ autograph. I’m going to Le Tour de France a second time and I’m not leaving empty handed.

8: See an Olympic Event. I don’t care if it’s gymnastics, horse riding, hockey or weight lifting. London 2012 will be awesome!

7: Take a photography course. I am doing OK teaching myself, but there’s so much to learn.

6: Go to Bruges. This one is on the cards but not set in stone yet.

5: Get back into media. It’s been fun having a few months off from “real” work but I miss the industry now.

4: Drive on the right side of the road. For some reason it terrifies me.

3: Get a travel article published. I was a bit lazy on this front after my last trip so this time I’ll put more effort in.

2: Visit Lords for a cricket match. If the Aussie’s are playing, that would be smashing…and I’m not just talking about what we’d do to the Poms.

1: Make sure I keep in touch with the wonderful people I’ve met around the world.

Your life can change in the blink of an eye, so anything could happen. 27…bring it on!


Pegs on the Line is a collection of stories about places, people and experiences around the world. It's written by Megan Dingwall, an Australian journalist with an insatiable curiosity. Available to answer questions such as is Tasmania a real place (yes) and do Tassie devils spin (no).

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