If you’re new to my blog, then you won’t know the backstory of my little teacup and therefore these photos are going to looked really damn weird. If you want the long version read this, but if you’re pressed for time and interest just know that I got a teacup from the cafe I worked at in Vancouver as a farewell present when I left in May 2012. I carried it with me as I travelled across Canada and into Europe and by the time I settled in the UK it had become a tradition to photograph my teacup around the world.
2013 was a big year for me and subsequently, my teacup. I travelled in 16 countries and my teacup was there for 13 of them (it didn’t come to Spain, Portugal or Finland).
Last year I took photos of my teacup in so many cities and I’d often seek out a landmark to include in the picture. But this year I visited a lot of places that aren’t as recognisable as say Pisa or Prague. Sometimes there was no landmark. I also didn’t want to be taking endless photos of my teacup so most of the time I just took one in each country.
I’m so used to pulling it out of my bag that I forget just how strange it looks to people who see me do it. Sometimes I have a chance to explain, but most of the time I just confuse people.
Here’s a look at what my teacup got up to in 2013:

that’s a great idea! I’m now thinking about doing the same with a different object! thanks for inspiring me! make sure to check out my page as well! 🙂 keep on traveling
I definitely recommend a different object…something less fragile 🙂