One year ago I was sitting in the Sydney Airport, having just left Tasmania. As I waited for my sister I wrote this post. Twelve months later it seems appropriate to reflect on what’s happened since then.

Of the last 12 months, I’ve spent almost four of them travelling. Just as I was last year, I’m on the road. Although then I was at the beginning of a trip and now I’m a week away from the end. It’s time to go to Scotland and rejoin reality.
My pack still weighs about the same. It’s about 19kg. Although three boxes are waiting for me in Scotland so my possessions (what isn’t stored in the spare room at Mum and Dad’s) have grown a little.
The travelling I’ve done in the past year has only opened my eyes to how much more there is to see. Travel pushes my boundaries of adventure and self-reliance and it’s a challenge I can’t get enough of.

WorkI’ve had a 12-month hiatus from media for a lot of reasons. But that’s been filled with a great nine months working in Vancouver at The Secret Garden Tea Company and Avenue Grill. Actually, that reminds me, a new Teacup Tales must be due…
Working in hospitality was good fun. You definitely see another side to people and I saw a different side to myself, but I’m missing media. I’m missing it enough to settle down and commit to the industry for a good while at the expense of some more passport stamps. Time for a come back? I think so…

Life, love and friends
I can’t log into Facebook without congratulating a friend on their engagement/wedding/pregnacy/new arrival/child’s birthday. It seems everyone has reached that stage of their life. I’m so so happy for them, but as for me? Not yet. And not any time soon.
As one of my favourite customers in Vancouver liked to remind me “your life can change in the blink of an eye”. That’s so very true and I know so much is out of my hands. But for now I’m happy with things as they are.
If the last 12 months has taught me anything, it’s how important people are. Friends, family…everybody. In the short time I was in Vancouver (nine months isn’t that long compared to my 26 years in Tasmania) I made some friends I’ll have for life. I also forged stronger bonds with friends back home. When you see people every day at work or home, it’s easy to take that relationship for granted. Move to the otherside of the world and see what lasts and what doesn’t.
The year ahead…
In a lot of ways the uncertainity I felt 365 days ago is back. I have no idea what’s next for me. In the immediate future it’s job hunting and settling somewhere in the UK. The specifics of that are anyone’s guess. As is what will happen beyond that. Life’s fun isn’t it?
Hi Megan! I have been reading your updates and sounds like you have had a fantastic year travelling! Glad I was able to be a part of that in some way 🙂 Good luck with whatever the future holds for you. Come visit me in Raleigh sometime!
I have John. It’s been great fun. I don’t know how anyone survives without a passport!
The year ahead does sound like fun… good luck in the UK and hopefully we’ll see you over there sometime in the next year or two! 🙂
Thanks Kieron. Good luck with the new job. Sounds like a dream!